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时间:2011-02-23 00:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
KASCO为广大国人所熟悉大都是通过其品质优良的高尔夫手套,从2001年开始,KASCO手套几乎每年都被USA GOLF-Digest(高尔夫大师)评为美国最畅销手套。虽有手套的盛名在前,但在球杆方面的成

  KASCO为广大国人所熟悉大都是通过其品质优良的高尔夫手套,从2001年开始,KASCO手套几乎每年都被USA GOLF-Digest(高尔夫大师)评为美国最畅销手套。虽有手套的盛名在前,但在球杆方面的成就也是熠熠生辉,1989年至2007年间,KASCO出品的Power Tonardo、Indeed、Inspire系列等球杆都在日本荣获最佳球杆称号。

  在新的一年里,KASCO将一如既往地服务大家。相信KASCO,相信自己;选择一种生活方式。KASCO 一直致力于为球友开发易打的高性能球杆,在目前各大球具厂商研发各种高科技技术来提高球杆的性能,KASCO创始了全球第一支铁木杆。KASCO 公司目前已是世界上为数不多的能够全线生产高尔夫用品的厂家,产品包括手套、球具、球、球包……从材料开发到设计、生产,全部由KASCO公司自己完成。KASCO的球杆杆头使用的也是由KASCO公司自主研发的Super Hytan材质杆头。Super Hytan比β钛的强度还要高,张力更强而且不会生锈,深得广大球友的好评。


  1959年 日本KASCO品牌创立,原是制造御寒用的手套,后来生产四季皆可用的各式手套,进而发展成为全球最 大的高尔夫球手套生产商之一。

  1972年 KASCO已在美国成立办事处,后来在英国及其他四个国家亦设有营业办事处。

  1982年 顺应市场需求,生产高尔夫球。

  1986年 首度生产高尔夫球,是世界初次面世的双重核心的球-DC系列。

  1990年 KASCO生产球杆,一开始便走高档路线。

  KASCO 一直致力于为球友开发易打的高性能球杆,在目前各大球具厂商研发各种高科技技术来提高球杆的性能,KASCO创始了全球第一支铁木杆。KASCO 公司目前已是世界上为数不多的能够全线生产高尔夫用品的厂家,产品包括手套、球具、球、球包……从材料开发到设计、生产,全部由KASCO公司自己完成。KASCO的球杆杆头使用的也是由KASCO公司自主研发的Super Hytan材质杆头。Super Hytan比β钛的强度还要高,张力更强而且不会生锈,深得广大球友的好评 。




  In 1964, the joint stock company Kamatari was born and President Kamada switched to sports glove manufacturing, involving international research to adapt fine leatherworking techniques to the demand of ten-pin bowling and golf. Ahead of the competition all the way, Kamatari found itself the Japanese market leader.

  In 1968, gloves were exported to the USA and incorporation of KCA, the US Office followed in 1972. Two years later the US-born Kasco brand name was launched in Japan.

  President Kamada realized that growth could not continue on one product alone, and in 1980 balls were made for the domestic market. However, the biggest gamble for the firm was the purchase of a client company’s ball-making business. Taking a large financial risk and virtually re-equipPing the factory from scratch, the first balls rolled from the lines in 1982. Kasco Europe was set up a year later.

  In 1986, the Dual Core Ball was patented, with its unique construction and qualities of distance and feel, designed for the individual player, and anticipating future trends for a tailor-made product.

  The Thailand factory was set up in 1988 for the production of bags and gloves for export, and that year KCA relocated to Atlanta. In 1989, Taiwan Kasco was established, and in 1991 Kasco Golf Thailand.

  By now, caps and hats were being produced with immense success, and although new factories on a domestic scale had been equipped to keep up with company development, a major new step for the company was the foundation in 1992 of a club factory next to the ball plant in Shido, Japan.

  Korea Kasco, Ltd. opened in 1993. Club production took a giant leap in 1994, when Super Hyten was developed by Kasco using the maraging metal process pioneered in rocket technology. This alloy, twice as hard as titanium, meant that Kasco could now take a world lead in the market for clubs.

  With the four-piece ball patented in 1998, Kasco now has a complete range of leading products. For every type and level of golfer the finest equipment is available to improve and enhance play. This range is also designed to meet the needs of international courses and pro tour golf. Kasco is now set to expand its overseas markets.
