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时间:2016-02-20 11:40来源:高球工坊 作者:京城高尔夫 点击:
来源:马澳高尔夫 推杆最好的球手之一——现世界第一乔丹-斯皮思 Great putters are often thought of as naturals, some people say your born a great putter but is this really true. To see a putt, roll co ... ,



  Great putters are often thought of as naturals, some people say your born a great putter but is this really true. To see a putt, roll correctly is as skilful as a 270-yard drive on a perfect flight. This article will help you understand the principles that make the golf ball roll correctly.


  The first step in becoming a good putter is you must have a correctly fitted putter. Correct length, lie angle and loft must be fitted to the golfer. Incorrectly fitted putters can cause difficulty with aim, path and centre hits.


  Principle 1:

  原理 1:

  You must have the ability to aim the putter at your intended target and return the putter face back to square at impact consistently. Looking at the picture below we can see the face at impact is square the putter path is also square resulting in the ball direction starting on the intended line. The consistency is also above 90%.




  An open face of about 1° can only be compensated with path cutting left 5° on a standard 12-foot putt. Most path problems are caused by incorrect aim and correcting the aim issue will more than likely fix the path.



  Principle 2:

  原理 2:

  A consistent impact spot is our next principle. Looking at the picture below we can see the ideal impact spot is in the middle of the putter and slightly up on the face. Impact spot has a direct effect on speed and starting line of your putt. Consistency is again above 90% .



  ● Principle 3: Shaft Angle – Effective Loft – Rise Angle – Predicted Launch

  ● 原理 3: 杆身角度 – 有效倾角 – 上升角度 – 预计起飞角度

  To understand first that putters have loft and most putters have a standard loft of 3 degrees when they come from the manufacturer’s. Loft and lie can be adjusted to fit the golfer on a lie and loft machine if necessary.


  When looking at the picture below Predicted launch in blue at 3.5 degrees up, this is the most important figure of all. The ideal predicted launch is between 3 and 3.5 degrees. When the ball comes off the putter it skids and then it starts to roll, the quicker we can get the ball to roll the better. In recent years we have seen putters being designed with groves on the face as this was proven the reduce the skid effect.


  Shaft angle, rise angle and putter loft directly affect the predicted launch which in the end result being The roll of the ball. Launch angle is mostly determined by dynamic loft (83%) and rise angle (17%) of influence.

  杆身角度、上升角度与杆面倾角会直接影响预计起飞角度,并直接作用在球的滚动效果上。起飞角度主要受动态杆面角— 击球瞬间杆面实际角度(占83%的比例)与上升角度(占17%的比例)的影响而产生。

  Shaft Angle-Location of the shaft in relative to the ball in the set up position. In the picture below we see 0.6 add loft and this means the putter shaft angle is 0.6 degrees behind the ball creating an extra 0.6 degrees of loft. (Note: Having a shaft angle 0.9 and below would be considered ideal).

  杆身角度 – 杆身的放置是与球位相互匹配的,在下方示例图中:杆面角度增加了0.6度,这意味着杆身角度将位于球后并产生额外0.6度的杆面角度。(注意:杆身倾角理想值区间0.9度~0.9度以下。)

  Effective Loft – Effective loft is a combination of putter loft, shaft angle and rise angle.

  有效倾角 – 有效角度是有推杆倾角、杆身角度与上升角度组合而成.

  Rise Angle-The ideal rise angle is between 1 and 3 degrees and in simple terms “hitt ing up on the ball”. Ball position and shaft angle at address are probably the two mai n contributors to rise angle. If the ball position is to far back in the stance it would mo re than likely produce a downward angle and a ball position to far forward would res ult in a more upward angle. This will have a big effect on the initial skid of the ball.

  上升角度– 理想的上升角度在1~3度之间,也可以理解为“向上推击”。球位与杆身倾角是构成上升角度的两个主要因素,球位偏前时容易产生更多的向上击球,而球位偏后时则容易产生向下击球,球位因素将极大的影响球的初始滑动。


  ● Principle 3:Face Angle Relative to Path

  ● 原理 3: 杆面朝向

  The most preferred putter path would travel slightly inside to inside and the putter face would stay square to that path. The picture below shows the putter path and face 10 cm before impact and 10 cm after impact. The path is slightly inside to inside and the face is staying square to the path.


  Ideally face rotation before impact and after impact are in the same range, rotation should be changing smoothly through impact. If rotation after impact and rotation before impact differ, then the rotation is not naturally continued through impact.


  Example :

  范例 :

  Breaking wrists, the face would be closing more.


  Pushing, the face would stay open closing less.



  Putting not unlike the golf swing requires practice but also having an understanding of what are your strengths and weaknesses. Practice with feedback and simply hitting putts around the putting green will not make you a better putter and will more than likely cause confusion.


  “Perfect Practice makes Perfect”

  “ 合理练习,铸造完美 ”


  (来源:上海马丁高尔夫学院 MRGolf-Academy)

